Managing the Tension

Adrian Crawford
2 min readOct 26, 2020


You don’t have to pick a side.

You don’t have to be an extremist.

Your voice isn’t louder just because it’s written on a social media platform.

You’re allowed to hold two truths together at the same time.

You’re allowed to live in the tension.

Comfort is not your friend, it’s the enemy that has led to division amongst our people. Every argument has its equal opposite and we’re all fighting against the other side in an effort to protect our comforts and the worlds we have constructed to satisfy our own needs.

If you had the opportunity to trade in comfort for purpose would you take it?

If you had the opportunity to trade in comfort for generational impact would you take it?

Could you look at yourself and honestly say that you would forgo the comforts you’ve built for yourself in an effort to build something new, something lasting … to help pave the third way?

Stop trying to say loud things from the comfort and safety of your virtual reality to explain what you value.

Start living a life that points to the values you hold and the truth you believe in.

It’s time to be about that action.

Or in the words of Migos: to walk it, like we talk it.

Mask Off: Unlocking Authenticity In An Age Of Imposters

New Rules family, don’t forget, my new book, “Mask Off: Unlocking Authenticity In An Age Of Imposters” is available NOW for pre-order at only $3.99! By clicking the link below, you can pre-order your digital copy of this book designed to help you unlock your future!

